














1Y.Q. LiuX.L. YinF.W. Liu, L.B. Feng.An alternating direction implicit legendre spectral

method for simulating a 2D multi-term time-fractionalOldroyd-B fluid type diffusion equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2022,10.1016/j.camwa.2022.03.020.(SCI)

2X.L. YinY.Q. LiuJ.J. Zhang, Y.F. Shen,L.M.Yan.Exponentially fitted multisymplectic scheme for conservative Maxwell equations with oscillary solutions, PLOS ONE, 2021 , 16(8): 1-25.(SCI)

3X.L. YinX.L. GaoY.Q. LiuY.F. Shen, J.C. Wang.Symplectic-structure-preserving uncertain differential equations, Symmetry-Basel, 2021, 13(8): 1-17.(SCI)

4Y.F.ShenS.L SunF.S.XuY.Q. LiuX.L. YinX.S. Zhou. CT image reconstruction via nonlocal low-rank regularization and data-driven tight frame, Symmetry-Basel, 2021, 13(10): 1-12. (SCI)

5Y.Q. LiuL.B. FengX.L. YinH.G. Sun.Fully discrete spectral method for solving a novel multi-term time-fractional mixeddiffusion and diffusion-wave equation,ZeitschriftfürangewandteMathematik und Physik, 2020, 71: 1-19.(SCI)

6Y.Q. LiuX.L. YinL.B. FengH.G. Sun. Finite difference scheme for simulating a generalized two-dimensional multi-term time fractional non-Newtonian fluid model, Advances in Difference Equations, 2018,442: 1-16. (SCI,通讯作者)

7Y.Q. LiuH.G. SunX.L. YinB.G. Xin. A new Mittag-Leffler function undetermined coefficient method and its applications to fractional homogeneous partial differential equations, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 2017, 10: 4515-4523. (SCI, 通讯作者)

8X.L. Yin, C.J. Zhang, Y.Q. Liu. Exponentially fitted trapezoidal scheme for a ctochastic oscillator, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2017, 35 (6): 801-813. (SCI)

9X.L. Yin, C.J. Zhang, J.J. Zhang, Y.Q. Liu. Compact schemes for Korteweg-de equation, Thermal Science, 2017, 21 (4): 1797-1806. (SCI)

10Y.Q. LiuW. Chen. A new iterational method for ordinary equations using Sumudu transform. Advances in Analysis, 2016,2(1): 89-94. (通讯作者)

11Y.Q. LiuL.H. Dong. Approximate solutions of multi-order fractional advection-dispersion equation with non-polynomial conditions, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, 2015, 25(1) : 57-67. (SCI, 通讯作者)

12M.F. Zhang, Y.Q. Liu, X.S. Zhou. Efficient homotopy perturbation method for fractional non-linear equations using Sumudu transform, Thermal Science, 2015, 19(4): 1167-1171.(SCI, 通讯作者)

13Y.Q. Liu, X.L. Yin, L.L. Zhao. Approximate solutions of fractional wave equations using variational iteration method and Laplace transform, Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2015, 3(2): 297-303. (SCI, 通讯作者)

14X.L. Yin, Y.Q. Liu. Symplectic schemes for linear stochastic Schrodinger equations with variable coefficients, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014, Article ID 427023, 7 pages. (SCI)

15X.F. Gu, Q.Y. Wang, M. Zhang, Y.Q. Liu. Approximate solutions of fractional non-linear evolution solutions, Thermal Science, 2014, 18(5): 1553-1556. (SCI, 通讯作者)

16Y.Q. Liu, L.M. Yan. Solutions of fractional Konopelchenko-Dubrovsky and Nizhnik-Novikov-Veselov using a generalized fractional subequation method, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013, Article ID 839613, 7 pages. (SCI, 通讯作者)

17Y.Q. Liu.  Study on space-time fractional nonlinear biological equation in radial symmetry, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, Article 654759, 6 pages. (SCI, 通讯作者)

18Y.Q. Liu, .F.S. XU, X.L. Yin. Variational approximate solutions of fractional nonlinear nonhomogeneous equations with Laplace transform, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013, Article 819268, 9pages. (SCI, 通讯作者)

19Y.Q. Liu.Approximate solutions of fractional nonlinear equations using homotopy perturbation transformation method, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2012, Article ID 752869, 14 pages. (SCI, 通讯作者)

20Y.Q. Liu. Variationalhomotopy perturbation method for solving fractional initial boundary value problems, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2012, Article ID 727031, 10 pages. (SCI, 通讯作者)

21Y.Q. Liu,BaoguiXin. Numerical solutions of a fractional predator-prey system, Advances in Difference Equations, Volume 2011, Article ID 190475,11 pages. (SCI, 通讯作者)

22J.H. Ma, Y.Q. Liu. Exact solutions for a generalized nonlinear fractional Fokker- Planck Equation, Nonlinear analysis: Real world Applications2010111):515-521. (SCI, 通讯作者)

23Y.Q. Liu, J. Ma. Exact Solutions of a Generalized Multi-Fractional Nonlinear Diffusion Equation in Radial Symmetry, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2009, 52(5):857-861. (SCI, 通讯作者)

24B.G. Xin, T. Chen, Y.Q. Liu. Projective synchronization of chaotic fractional-order energy resources demand-supply systems via linear control. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2011,16(11): 4479-4486. (SCI)

25B.G. Xin, T. Chen, Y.Q. Liu.Synchronization of chaotic fractional-order Moore- Spiegel systems with fully unknown parameters. 7th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2011, 3: 1406-1409.(SCI)

26B.G. Xin, T. Chen, Y.Q. Liu.Synchronization of chaotic fractional-order Moore- Spiegel systems with fully unknown parameters.Acta. Phys. Sin. 201160(4)048901-6. (SCI)

27B.G. Xin, T. Chen, Y.Q. Liu. Synchronization of chaotic fractional-order WINDMI systems via linear state error feedback control, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2010, Article ID 859685, 10 pages.(SCI)

28B.G. XinJ.H. Ma, T. Chen, Y.Q. Liu. A fractional model of Labyrinth chaos and numerical analysis, International Journal of Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 2010, 11(10): 837-842. (SCI)

