






1.     山东省自然科学基金面上项目,ZR2017MA018,网络图的可靠性参数研究,2017/08-2020/0612万元,已结题,负责人。

2.     国家自然科学基金青年基金,11101378,图中路和圈的嵌入问题及相关研究, 2012/01-2014/1223万元,已结题,负责人。

3.     中国博士后科学基金,互连网络的可靠性研究(第四十批),3万元,已结题,负责人。



[1]  [1]    Meijie Ma*, Xiang-Jun Li, Guijuan Wang, Yongli Zan, Generalized fault-tolerance for enhanced hypercubes, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2024, 342: 244-252.

[2]   [2]      Meijie Ma*, Chaoming Guo, Xiang-Jun Li, Disjoint paths in the enhanced hypercube with a faulty subgraph, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 2023, 69(2):1343-1354.

[3]   [3]    Meijie Ma*, Chaoming Guo, Xiang-Jun Li, Strong Menger connectivity of folded hypercubes with faulty subcube, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Scinece, 2023, 34(5):443-451.

[4]     [4]      Mei-Jie Ma, Min Xu*, Tong-Tong Ding, Xiang-Jun Li, Qiang Zhu, The non-inclusion diagnosability of Hypercubes under the PMC model, Journal of the Operations Research Society of China, 2022, DOI: 10.1007/s40305-022-00421-9.   

[5]     Ling Chen,Xiang-Jun Li*, Meijie Ma, Reliability assessment for modified bubble-sort networks, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2022, 307: 88-94.

[6]       Ying-Ze Zhao,Xiang-Jun Li*, Meijie Ma, Embedded connectivity of some BC networks, The Journal of Supercomputing,2022, 78(14): 16605-16618.

[7]     Meijie Ma*, Jiguo Yu, Edge-disjoint paths in faulty augmented cubes, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2021, 294: 108-114.

[8]     Meijie Ma*, Junyan Xu, Jiguo Yu, Edge-disjoint paths in faulty hypercube-like networks, Ars Combinatoria, 2020, 151: 203-210.

[9]     Meijie Ma*, Tingting Zhou, Degree-associated edge-reconstruction numbers of double-brooms, Ars Combinatoria, 2020, 148: 3-15.

[10]  Meijie Ma, Douglas B. West, Jun-Ming Xu*,The vulnerability of the diameter of the enhanced hypercubes, Theoretical Computer Sciences, 2017, 694: 60-65.

[11]  Meijie Ma*, Topological properties on the diameters of the integer simplex, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2015, 186: 291-294.