







Meina Zhang, Zhenhua Li, Xiaoyi Chen, Guotao Liang,Shuyun Wang, Shuyun Teng, and Chuanfu ChengEvolutions of speckles on rough glass/silver surfaces with film thicknessOptics Express., 21(7), 8831-8842 (2013).

ZHANG Mei-Na, LI Zhen-Hua, Chen Xiao-Yi, LIUChun-Xiang, TENG Shu-Yun, CHENG Chuan-Fu, “The multi-scale and the multi-fractality properties of speckles on rough screen surfaces”, Chin. Phys. Letters., 30(4), 044210(2013).

Meina Zhang,Chunxiang Liu, Haixia Li,Shuyun Teng, and ChuanfuCheng, “Scattering analysis about the visible diffraction orders of the reflective grating”, Optik,124(14),1936-1939(2013).

Zhenhua Li, Meina Zhang, Guotao Liang, Xing Li, Xiaoyi Chen, and ChuanfuCheng “Generation of high-order optical vortices withasymmetrical pinhole plates under plane waveillumination”, Optics Express., 21(13), 15755-15764(2013).

Xiaoyi Chen, Zhenhua Li, Haixia Li, Meina Zhang, and Chuanfu Chen, “Experimental study on the existence andproperties of speckle phase vortices in thediffraction region near random surfaces”, Optics Express. 20, 17833-17842 (2012).

Guotao Liang, Xing Li, Meina Zhang, Zhenhua Li, ChunXiang Liu, and Chuan Fu Cheng, “Experimental extraction of rough surface parametersfrom speckles in the deep Fresnel region with a scanningfibre-optic probe”, Eur. Phys. J. D,67-77 (2013).

Haixia Li, Meina Zhang, Xiaoyi Chen, Chunxiang Liu,and Chuanfu ChengExperimental method for the extraction of intensity profiles by imaging the scattered pattern with charge coupled device”, Chinese Optics Letters. 10,052901 1-5 (2012).

陈小艺,刘曼,李海霞,张美娜,程传福等“弱散射体产生的菲涅尔极深区散斑场相位涡旋演化的实验研究”,物理学报, 61(7), 074201(2012)

LI Hai-Xia, LIU Chun-Xiang, CHEN Xiao-Yi, ZHANG Mei-Na, CHENG Chuan-Fu “Measurement of Random Surface Parameters by Angle-Resolved In-plane LightScattering with Constant Perpendicular Wave Vector”Chin. Phys. Letters., 28(2 ) 024206(2011) 

